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You can contact us using this online form or by writing to us at the address below:

Melton Village Neighbourhood Plan

c/o Melton Parish Council

17 Riduna Park
Station Road
IP12 1QT
Tel: 01394 382 224

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Data Protection – Consent to contact information:

Melton Parish Council will be the Data Controller of any information you are providing. As required by the Data Protection Act 2018 the information will be kept safely and securely, processed and used or shared only for the purpose for which it has been provided or where allowed by law. By contacting Melton Parish Council you agree that your contact details may be held and processed for the purpose of corresponding. You may request access to the information we hold on you or to be removed as a contact at any time by contacting Melton Parish Council’s Privacy Notice can be viewed at

"A strong and empowered village where all residents feel they are involved positively in the planning process which directly affects them"

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